
 Japanese Yuko Hair Straigthening Santa Monica & Los Angeles PictureJanpanese Yuko Hair Straigthening Santa Monica & Los Angeles After picture    
 Before Yuko Hair Straightening brown wavy hair picture  After Yuko Hair Straightening straight hair picture  Before Japanese Straightening curly hair picture  After Japanese Straightening straight hair picture
 Yuko System produces long blonde hair picture

 "Get Your Eye-Popping, Head Turning Japanese Hair Straightening  in Santa Monica and Los Angeles at (310) 392-6645!" 

Call now for your Japanese, Thermal, Permanent, and Yuko Hair Straightening at Next Salon, 310-392-6645, 4256 Kenyon Street, Los Angeles, CA 90066. FEEL your healthy, straight hair. Book online here ==> https://nextsalon.com/book.html.

1. Turn on your speakers. 2. Turn up the volume. 3. Click on the PLAY button.WATCH THE VIDEO 


For your convenience we serve the Los Angeles, Malibu, Marina Del Rey, Venice and Redondo and Manhattan Beach areas.

Women and men are sick and tired of dealing with their curly, frizzy, wavy and difficult to manage hair.

Beautiful people like you are clamoring for this hair straightening process.
Women all over Southern California are ablaze about their results from Japanese Hair Straightening.

They no longer spend up to 2.5 hours daily straightening their hair. Now they only use their irons for their clothes (smile).

Are you tired of wearing wigs, scarves and hats to hide your curly or frizzy hair?

Many of my clients were. But, not anymore. Did I find a solution? Is there one?


Well, there is a solution. It's a hair straightening process called Japanese, Thermal, Permanent or Yuko System Hair Straightening.

Women all over Southern California are ablaze about their results from Japanese Hair Straightening.

They no longer spend up to 2.5 hours daily straightening their hair. Now they only use their irons for their clothes (smile).

Furthermore, Yuko Hair Straightening gives you fabulously smooth, silky straight and healthy hair for up to a year! Yeah I said up to a year. Imagine what you will do with all the time you save.

- Will you sleep in?

- Have more time with your special someone?

- Spend it on your children?

- Pursue a new hobby?

- Go to work earlier?

- Be on time?

- Start working out with no fear of resulting frizzy hair?

Look forward to making your hair straightening an ANNUAL EVENT! Whoa, can you handle a hair straight look and all that extra time? I know I can.

I haven’t even told you about how good you’re goanna look. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Check the top of this page for your Japanese straightening look from Next Salon.


Speaking of words, I'm goanna let my clients tell you about Thermal Reconditioning or Japanese Hair Straightening at Next Salon, 310-392-6645, 2400 Main Street in Santa Monica, CA serving the Los Angeles area.

Let's start with the handwritten comments of Ms. Bethany Thomas visiting from Washington D.C. about her Yuko System service. Her comments are followed by her Before and After pictures:

handwritten permanent hair straighening testimonial picture

 Before Yuko Hair Straightening System wavy hair picture After Yuko Hair Straightening System hair picture 

Bethany Before

 Bethany After

More client comments ...

"I have tried the Yuko System three times now. It is wonderful for me because my hair has always been a little frizzy and unmanageable.

The Yuko System makes my hair silky and beautiful. I spend little time trying to fix my hair because it always looks perfect.

The best thing is seeing the look on my fiancé's face after I get it done. I feel great and I get lots of compliments. Thank you Yuko!"

Lynette Miller
Los Angeles, CA

"I have thick, coarse, and wavy hair and Yuko has changed my life. I used to spend close to an hour blow-drying and flat-ironing my hair straight.

With Yuko, my hair takes half the time and stays straight even in the most humid weather. The best part is that my frizzies are no more."

Angela DeFranco
Santa Monica, CA

Our years of experience at Next Salon have taught us Ms. Yuko (process inventor, hence name Yuko Hair Straightening) has created the best hair straightener available.


Take a look at the following picture:

Noori and Yuko System Inventor Ms. Yuko picture

I am on the left. Ms. Yuko, the creator of the Yuko Hair Straightening system is on the right. This was taken at my graduation from Japanese Hair Straightening training in 2001.

Since then I have helped hundreds of clients go from curly, frizzy or kinky to smooth, silky and healthy straight hair.

If you do the math, I've done this straightening process for over 13 years. You can be sure I'll do it right.

Even better, I've been a cosmetologist for over 30 years and owned Next Salon for over 26 years in the same location.


Where can you get the solution to frizzy and curly hair?

Simply call Next Salon at 310-392-6645, 4256 Kenyon Street in Los Angeles, CA 90066.

OK, you’ve seen the pictures of women with straight hair. You’ve read our testimonials. You know I have over 13 years of Japanese Hair Straightening experience.


But wait, there’s more.

If you hurry, I’m offering you 10% savings on my Permanent Japanese Hair Straightening service and Japanese straightening products. This offer is good while supplies and available bookings last.

I also give you my 100% guarantee that you’ll like your new straight hair or your money back. Pretty simple, isn’t it?

Not only that, I'll give you 10% off on all Anti-Frizz By Yuko Products like shampoo.

You have nothing to lose, do you? Nope.

Therefore, now, while you are thinking about it, is the BEST time to call or come see me at Next Salon, 310-392-6645, 4256 Kenyon Street, Santa Monica, CA serving the Los Angeles area for Japanese, Thermal, Permanent, Yuko Hair Straightening or Straightener.

You like to book online? Got you covered even if it's 2:00 AM. Click here now ==> http://goo.gl/pI3IlN.

Noori Daili
Owner, Next Salon

P. S. Next Salon is a Full Service, one-stop Salon so we serve ALL of your beauty needs.

P.P.S. Get your Brazilian Blowout/Keratin Hair Treatment. Grab it by Clicking Here Now ==> http://goo.gl/pAuCcH.

Remember ... You'll get lots of attention from everyone with your new, Japanese Hair Straightening.

By the way, you can see more Japanese Hair Straightening pictures on your Pinterest page by Clicking Here Now ==> Japanese | Permanent | Thermal | Hair | Straightening | Santa Monica | Los Angeles 

Next Salon
4256 Kenyon Street, Los Angeles, CA 90066


"Noori is my Master Hair Stylist who always rescues me from my hair and makeup blues. After she works her magic, I feel like a glamorous and alluring woman. I highly recommend her beauty services."

- Ashley Palmer,
Los Angeles-